Nanoassembly of Biodegradable Microcapsules for DNA Encasing

A new microcontainer for DNA delivery based on biocompatible poly[β-glucuronic acid-(1 → 3)-N-acetyl-β-galactosamine-6-sulfate-(1 → 4)](chondroitin sulfate)/poly(-l-arginine) microcapsules with 40 nm thick molecularly organized shell was proposed. DNA molecules were deposited as DNA/sperimidine complex on the surface of template 4 μm core particles followed by layer-by-layer nanoassembly of protective chondroitin sulfate/poly(-l-arginine) shell. After template core dissolution, DNA molecules were captured inside microcapsules retaining a natural double-helix structure. The developed DNA encapsulation approach can be employed for targeted delivery of plasmid DNA in living cells.