High-Throughput Microfabricated CE/ESI-MS: Automated Sampling from a Microwell Plate

A new design for high-throughput microfabricated capillary electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry (CE/ESI-MS) with automated sampling from a microwell plate is presented. The approach combines a sample-loading port, a separation channel, and a liquid junction, the latter for coupling the device to the MS with a miniaturized subatmospheric electrospray interface. The microdevice was attached to a polycarbonate manifold with external electrode reservoirs equipped for electrokinetic and pressure-fluid control. A computer-activated electropneumatic distributor was used for both sample loading from the microwell plate and washing of channels after each run. Removal of the electrodes and sample reservoirs from the microdevice structure significantly simplified the chip design and eliminated the need both for drilling access holes and for sample/buffer reservoirs. The external manifold also allowed the use of relatively large reservoirs that are necessary for extended time operation of the system. Initial results using this microfabricated system for the automated CE/ESI-MS analysis of peptides and protein digests are presented.