Nuclear magnetic resonance evaluation of stroke. A preliminary report.

Patients (9) who had acute and subacute stroke were examined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using a 6-MHz Bruker Instruments proton scanner. A modified Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence was used for signal detection. The resultant string of spin-echoes was Fourier transformed into projections that were subsequently back-projected to a series of spin-echo images. From these images, spin density and T2 were calculated for each pixel. The NMR scans revealed stroke in each of the patients, while CT [computed tomography] demonstrated only 8 of the lesions. T2 was prolonged in all of the ischemic regions and is the most sensitive NMR parameter in detecting stroke. NMR scanning of patients who have acute stroke may be clinically useful, and that the T2 component of the NMR signal is most important.