Pion single charge exchange angular distributions atTπ=48 MeV

Angular distributions for pion single charge exchange to the isobaric analog state were measured for K39 and Ca48 at Tπ=48 MeV. The cross sections on K39 and Ca48 exhibit a less deep minimum at zero degrees than was seen previously on N15. The large-angle K39 cross sections are roughly equal to those for N15, while the 0° to 60° Ca48 cross sections are approximately four times larger. The extrapolated zero-degree center-of-mass cross sections are 2.7±1.0 μb/sr for N15, 12±5 μb/sr for K39, and 110±25 μb/sr for Ca48, and the angle-integrated cross section for K39 is 557±65 μb. The large back-angle cross sections for K39 are attributed to strong quadrupole contributions to the isobaric analog state transition.