Two cases have been presented in which evidence of thyrotoxic heart disease appeared after the ingestion of excessive doses of desiccated thyroid substance. In the first case, there was no preexisting heart disease, and probable cerebral embolism and hemiplegia on the left occurred after a period of congestive heart failure with auricular fibrillation. The 2d case was complicated by coronary artery disease, and auricular fibrillation appeared for the 1st and only time after the ingestion of large amts. of desiccated thyroid substance. In both cases, auricular fibrillation and other evidence of thyrotoxic heart disease disappeared promptly after discontinuance of the admn. of desiccated substance. Among older persons, desiccated thyroid substance may produce the manifestation of thyrotoxic heart disease, including auricular fibrillation and embolism. The patient who presents evidence of thyrotoxic heart disease, in the absence of demonstrable goiter, should be questioned as to self-medication with desiccated thyroid substance.