Ligand-Induced Partitioning of Human CXCR1 Chemokine Receptors with Lipid Raft Microenvironments Facilitates G-Protein-Dependent Signaling

Ligand binding to a chemokine receptor triggers signaling events through heterotrimeric G-proteins. The mechanisms underlying receptor-mediated G-protein activation in the heterogeneous microenvironments of the plasma membrane are unclear. Here, using live-cell fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging to detect the proximity between CXCR1-cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and fluorescence probes that label lipid raft or non-lipid raft microdomains and using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis to measure the lateral diffusion of CXCR1-CFP, we found that interleukin-8 induces association between the receptors and lipid raft microenvironments. Disruption of lipid rafts impaired G-protein-dependent signaling, such as Ca2+ responses and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation, but had no effect on ligand-binding function and did not completely abolish ligand-induced receptor phosphorylation. Our results suggest a novel mechanism by which ligand binding to CXCR1 promotes lipid raft partitioning of receptors and facilitates activation of heterotrimeric G-proteins.