Handling of single DNA molecule using electric field and laser beam

Accurate handling of a single DNA molecule will support a novel technique for sequencing of a long DNA molecule. The opto-electrostatic micromanipulation (OEMM) method has been applied to handle single DNA molecules. The DNA molecule is frequently changing its position and shape due to Brownian motion, therefore precise handling is difficult. Gelation of the sample by agarose gel is effective to suppress Brownian motion. Fundamental handling techniques for the single DNA molecule in agarose gel were demonstrated: (1) fixation with stretched shape; (2) cutting by ultraviolet laser, (3) isolation and recovery into the capillary (i.d. 15 μm). Amplification of the recovered DNA fragment by the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method is the next step of this study. The micromanipulation may contribute to the speeding up of the DNA sequencing Author(s) Mizuno, A. Dept. of Ecological Eng., Toyohashi Univ. of Technol., Japan Nishioka, Masateru ; Tanizoe, T. ; Katsura, S.