Nanoscale Investigation of Pathogenic Microbial Adhesion to a Biomaterial

Microbial infections of medical implants occur in more than 2 million surgical cases each year in the United States alone. These increase patient morbidity and mortality, as well as patient cost and recovery time. Many treatments are available, but none are guaranteed to remove the infection. In many cases, the device infections are caused by the adhesion of microbes to the implant, ensuing growth, pathogenesis, and dissemination. The purpose of this work is to examine the initial events in microbial adhesion by simulating the approach and contact between a planktonic cell, immobilized on an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever, and a biomaterial or biofilm substrate. The two model microbes used in this study, Candida parapsilosis (ATCC 90018) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 10145), were chosen for both their clinical relevance and their ease of acquisition and handling in the laboratory setting. Attractive interactions exist between C. parapsilosis and both unmodified silicone rubber and P. aeruginosa biofilms. Using C. parapsilosis cells immobilized on AFM cantilevers with a silicone substrate, we have measured attractive forces of 4.3 ± 0.25 nN in the approach portion of the force cycle. On P. aeruginosa biofilms, the magnitude of the attractive force decreases to 2.0 ± 0.40 nN and is preceded by a 2.0-nN repulsion at approximately 75 nm from the cell surface. These data suggest that C. parapsilosis may adhere to both silicone rubber and P. aeruginosa biofilms, possibly contributing to patient morbidity and mortality. Characterization of cell-biomaterial and cell-cell interactions allows for a quantitative link between the physicomechanical and physicochemical properties of implant materials and the nanoscale interactions leading to microbial colonization and infection.