Gravity Duals of Fractional Branes and Logarithmic RG Flow

  • 12 November 1999
We study fractional branes in ${\CN}=2$ orbifold and ${\CN}=1$ conifold theories. Placing a large number $N$ of regular D3-branes at the singularity produces the dual ${\bf AdS}_5\times X^5$ geometry, and we describe the fractional branes as small perturbations to this background. For the orbifolds, $X^5={\bf S}^5/\Gamma$ and fractional D3-branes excite complex scalars from the twisted sector which are localized on the fixed circle of $X^5$. The resulting solutions are given by holomorphic functions and the field-theoretic beta-function is simply reproduced. For $N$ regular and $M$ fractional D3-branes at the conifold singularity we find a non-conformal ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric $SU(N+M)\times SU(N)$ gauge theory. The dual Type $\II$B background is ${\bf AdS}_5\times {\bf T}^{1,1}$ with NS-NS and R-R 2-form fields turned on. This dual description reproduces the logarithmic flow of couplings found in the field theory.

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