Creating a CD-ROM Program for Cancer-Related Patient Education

To describe the process of developing a cancer-related patient and family education CD-ROM program and initial evaluation results. Published research, theory, practice, and personal experience. CD-ROM programs can be far more comprehensive than the booklets and videotapes used more commonly in patient education. Developing CD-ROM programs requires funding, organizational skills, access to content experts, and a team composed of people who have the varied skills required for a finished multimedia product. The time frame for CD-ROM production is often longer than that of other patient-education formats. Published reports and this institution's experience confirm that patients accept this medium. Evaluation to date suggests that CD-ROMs may be more useful to patients and their families than any other single information source. CD-ROM technology is more expensive than videotapes and booklets, but it allows for greater depth of content and may satisfy a broader range of educational needs than other media. Funding often can be obtained through foundations and with unrestricted educational grants from pharmaceutical companies. Nurses can lead multidisciplinary teams to produce CD-ROMs for their patient populations. These programs can be used before a patient has a first consultation to introduce a cancer or treatment and anytime during cancer diagnosis and treatment. They can reinforce one-on-one teaching or provide greater depth of content than ever could be provided in individualized teaching sessions. They can facilitate patients' self-directed learning and may allow nurses and doctors to teach on a different level. These programs also can complement patients' Internet searches either by creating a solid foundation for further investigation or by confirming the reliability of information gained through a variety of Internet sources.