Committee Report: Disinfection at small systems

A survey of smaller water systems' disinfection practices looks at strengths and potential pitfalls in light of upcoming drinking water regulations.In 1998, the Disinfection Systems Committee of AWWA's Water Quality Division surveyed the disinfection practices of smaller US water systems (serving 10,000 or fewer people). Systems using groundwater and those using surface water were surveyed separately. Of survey respondents, 97 percent of surface water systems and 86 percent of groundwater systems provided disinfection. Among surface water systems responding, 94 percent provided filtration. Survey data suggest that most systems will be able to comply with Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection By‐products Rule requirements for total trihalomethanes, but many may need to better control haloacetic acids. This report suggests that systems currently using disinfection should begin disinfectant and disinfection byproduct monitoring and develop disinfection profiles ahead of regulatory requirements.