The Water Bugs of Dewponds

English dewponds are small shallow isolated watering pools for domestic stock with waterproof bottoms and normal absence of inflow and outflow. The ponds may either be fenced or the stock may wade through and pollute them considerably. The water is often very fertile and calcareous. Collections were made from 50 of these dewponds by means of a handnet. The relative abundance of various spp. of Corixidae and Notonectidae are compared. Four spp. of Corixidae[long dash]Sigara lateralis, S. nigrolineata, Corixa punctata, and S. limitata[long dash]were common, and a total of 26 spp. of Heteroptera was recorded. Large numbers of Corixidae were found in the polluted ponds while in other ponds the number of bugs tended to decrease as the density of vegetation increased. Habitat conditions most favorable for various species are analyzed. Most of the spp. are rare in other regions where the water is non-calcareous.