Measurements have been made of the hyperfine structures of the cadmium lines λλ5086, 4800, 4678, 3614, 3613, 3610, 3468, 3466, 3404, and 6438 A.U. (2P2,1,033S13,2P233D1,2,33,2P133D1,2,33,2P033D13, and 2P113D21) using two quartz Lummer Gehrcke plates. The results are compared with those of MacNair and Schrammen, with fair agreement in general. λλ3613 and 3466 A.U. are single in agreement with Schrammen. Structure ascribed to λ3466 A.U. by MacNair and to λ3613 A.U. by Wali-Mohammad belongs to λλ3468 and 3614 A.U. respectively. An attempt is made to extend the application of the hypotheses of Schüler and Brück to the P3D3 lines. This succeeds fairly well save in the cases of λλ3466 and 6438 both of which are single whereas if the ideas of Schüler and Brück are accepted they apparently should show readily resolvable fine structure. It is also pointed out that the hypotheses of the above authors would require incomplete polarization of the 1S012P13 resonance line in contrast to the observed value of 100%.