Anal sac secretion in mustelids a comparison

The chemical compositions of anal sac secretions of seven mustelid species were examined by thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry. The analyses showed great similarities between species belonging to the genusMustela, i.e.,M. erminea,M. nivalis,M. vison, andM. putorius, whereasMaries martes, Luira lutra, andMeles meles each showed a different pattern. Benzaldehyde was the predominant compound in the secretion ofM. martes. Sulfur-containing compounds (thietanes and dithiacyclopentanes) were characteristic for theMustela species. Some of the compounds were species-specific and the relative amounts of the compounds in common varied between the species. The chemical results are in agreement with systematics at the generic level. Species-specific chemical composition makes exchange of information possible between coexisting mustelids. The presence of the sulfur-containing compounds in the small mustelids may be an effect of the defense function of the anal sac secretion.