Study of Parameters Involved in the Determination of IAA and ABA in Plant Materials

A procedure for the combined purification of both indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) is presented. The procedure is designed to obtain accurate quantifications with minimal losses and within a relatively short time. The prepurification procedure makes optimal use of C18 prepacked cartridges. A purification step by high pressure liquid chromatography is included and discussed. The quantification of IAA is performed with the 2-methylindolepyrone assay (2-MIP-assay). An alternative way of correcting for aspecific fluorescence is proposed and tested. ABA is analysed by GLC-ECD. The accuracy of the overall method is tested using different approaches for both ABA and IAA. Using this method, extraction by homogenization is compared to extraction by diffusion without homogenization.