Excellent therapeutic efficacy and minimal late neurotoxicity in children treated with 18 grays of cranial radiation therapy for high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia

In the current study, the authors evaluated late neuropsychologic effects 7 years after diagnosis and the long-term survival in a cohort of patients treated for high-risk childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with cranial radiation therapy. Efficacy and toxicity were evaluated in relation to patient age at diagnosis (age < or ≥ 36 months). Two hundred and one patients treated for high-risk ALL on the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Consortium Protocol 87-01 were included, 147 of whom were in continuous complete disease remission and were eligible for cognitive testing. Sixty-one patients consented to undergo testing. All patients received 18 grays (Gy) of cranial radiation as a component of central nervous system treatment. For all 201 patients, the 5-year overall survival (% ± the standard error) was 82% ± 2 and the 5-year event-free survival (% ± the standard error) was 75% ± 3. Only two patients developed a central nervous system recurrence. Intelligence quotient (IQ) and memory were at the expected mean for age, but performance on a complex figure drawing task was found to be reduced. Children who were age < 36 months at the time of diagnosis were found to have an IQ in the average range, but showed verbal deficits. The results of the current study demonstrate excellent efficacy of therapy and relatively limited late neurotoxicity on a childhood ALL therapy protocol in which all evaluated patients had received 18 Gy of cranial radiation. Efficacious therapy that includes cranial radiation does not appear to necessarily incur a heightened risk for significant cognitive impairment. Cancer 2001;92:15–22. © 2001 American Cancer Society.

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