Schrumpf, E. & Myren, J. The effect of secretin on plasma concentration of gastrin in fasting patients with carcinoma of the stomach. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 479-482. The basal gastrin level in patients with gastric carcinoma and achlorhydria has been found to be not significantly different from that in achlorhydric subjects without carcinoma. A significantly smaller decrease (p<0.05) of basal plasma level of gastrin by secretin has, however, been found in 4 achlorhydric patients with gastric carcinoma than in 6 achlorhydric patients without carcinoma of the stomach, suggesting that the gastrin-producing cells in the former patients are autonomous. In 6 patients with gastric carcinoma without achlorhydria secretin caused a significant decrease in the basal gastrin level, whereas no effect of secretin was seen on the gastrin level in 8 fasting normals. In speculating about the pathogenesis of gastric carcinoma in achlorhydria, we suggest that it may be the gastrin-producing cells which turn malignant.