The method of calculating alpha-decay intensities taking the barrier to be the usual Coulomb potential superposed by a non-local alpha-nucleus potential with exchange term is applied here to the fine structures of the rare-earth isotopes 149,151Tb, 149Tbm and 153 Dy. The present calculations consistently show that the measured relative intensities, λ1/λ0, are largely accounted for in terms of the non-local penetrability ratios and hence the values of the reduced widths δ21, are calculated. Similar calculations using static alpha-nucleus potential give δ 21 ⪡ δ20 which is contrary to the finding, viz., δ21 > δ2 0 obtained from other sources, for example, from the studies of alpha-spectroscopic amplitudes. It is remarkable that the present method largely makes up this discrepancy giving δ21/δ2 0 in the range of 1.1 to 2.2, and it is concluded that the values of δ21 from static potential are too low and those given in table II are within reasonable limits for use in studying nuclear structures