Myoepithelial cells in salivary gland tumors—revisited

It is an interesting parallel that the myoepithelial cell with its hybrid epithelial and mesenchymal structural and functional phenotype has a dual role in such salivary gland tumors as pleomorphic adenoma. This cell is responsible for considerable proportions of the epithelial component of this tumor, including squamous metaplasia, and is also the agent principally involved in the synthesis, organization, and cytologic modifications of the chondromyxoid regions. Neoplastically modified myoepithelial cells are also generally accepted to be a significant component of salivary gland tumors such as epithelial‐myoepithelial carcinoma, certain adenocarcinomas, and, of course, myoepitheliomas. The range of myoepithelial cell alterations can be appreciated via ultrastructural assessment of the above four classes of salivary gland tumors. An electron microscopic survey of monomorphic adenomas, adenoid cystic carcinomas, and mucoepidermoid carcinomas reveals some having a tumor cell component with structural modifications and localization similar to the modified myoepithelial cells in pleomorphic adenomas and the adenocarcinomas noted above. Such ultrastructural findings have important implications for clarifying diagnostic problems, for understanding histogenetic relationships, and for improving the classification of salivary gland tumors.