About 250,000 acres of soil with fragipan have been mapped in Nova Scotia. The fragipan horizons of two soils (Tormentine and Debert) reported in this paper are typical for the province. They have high bulk densities and low saturated hydraulic conductivity. They are also low in organic carbon and free oxides. They are high in fine sand and silt but low in clay, and the fragments of fragipan are readily slaked in water. Mica, chlorite, vermiculite, and kaolinite were found in the clay fractions of both soils throughout the two profiles. A moderate amount of smectite was found in the clay fractions of the Ae horizon of Debert but not in the Tormentine profile. A significant amount of clay increase in both fine and total clay fraction was found in the Bf horizon of the Tormentine soil and the Bmgj and Btx horizons of the Debert soil, and results from translocation or lessivage. The brittleness and other associated properties of the fragipans were attributed to clay bridges linking coarser particles, which were shown in the scanning electron microscope pictures.