Gas Cloud Kinematics near the Nucleus of NGC 4151

We report early observations with Space Telescope Imaging Spectrometer (STIS) of the nuclear region of NGC 4151. Direct images in [O II] and [O III] and slitless medium-dispersion spectral images of the Hβ to [O III] region were obtained. A slitless UV spectral image was taken of the C IV 1550 Å region. We present radial velocities and line ratios of ~40 clouds resolved in the narrow-line region (NLR). The kinematics suggest outflow within a biconical region about the nucleus, centered on the radio axis and viewed near the edge of the cones. A few high-velocity clouds are seen that do not fit this simple picture. Line ratios indicate that the NLR gas is photoionized by the central continuum source and that there may be a density gradient in the NLR. These observations are being followed by an extensive STIS program on NGC 4151.