k·pperturbation theory in III-V compounds and alloys: a reexamination

From the recent optical conduction-electron spin-resonance (CESR) measurements of the g factors g* in III-V compounds and the known effective masses m*, in the framework of the k·p perturbation theory, we determine an experimental value of the interband matrix element P2=(2m0)|S|px|X|2 coupling the conduction band and the upper valence bands. P2 ranges from 21 ± 1.5 eV in InP to 29 ± 1 eV in GaAs. This unexpected strong variation can be justified by a crude tight-binding calculation, evidencing the combined influence of ionicity and cell dimension. We show that g* can be calculated with a precision of 10% in a three-band calculation, whereas a multiband approximation is required for m*. The good agreement between our CESR measurements of the g factors in Ga1xInxAs and Ga1xAlxAs and the calculated values by k·p theory shows the correctness of this theory in alloys. Moreover, it is possible to obtain a satisfactory fit of the effective-mass data previously unexplained within simple k·p theory by using a multiband model and correct values of P2. The modifications to k·p theory involving random potentials and strains are then not necessary at the precision of the experimental data available up to now.