Antipheromone of the Codling Moth: 1 Potential for Control by Air Permeation 2

In an air permeation test in a pear orchard in 1975, 98% disruption of trap capture was achieved for 7 wk with the antipheromone of the codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella (L.), (E,E,)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol acetate, permeating the test area at an initial rate of 127 mg h−1ha−1 and decreasing to a final rate of 62 mg h−1ha−1. When the antipheromone and the sex pheromone, (E,E,)-8, 10-dodecadien-1-ol, were compared for disruption efficiency in an apple orchard in 1976, a minimum evaporation rate of 25 mg h−1ha−1 of the antipheromone and 15 mg h−1ha−1 of the sex pheromone were required to effect 98% disruption of trap capture.