Prompt neutrino production in beam-dump experiments

Purely leptonic decays of the charm D and F mesons are investigated quantitatively as a source of asymmetry between prompt (νe+ν¯e) and (νμ+ν¯μ) neutrino rates from hadronic beam dumps. We define and compute the values of two different ratios R of the numbers of events produced in a neutrino detector exposed to prompt νe's and νμ's, applying selections identical to those used in analyses of data. The decay mode Fμνμ is shown to depress the ratio R1 to values perhaps as low as 0.9; R1 is determined from data in which electrons and muons are identified on an event-by-event basis. A ratio R2 may be determined if electrons are not identified. Owing to Fτντ, R2 is increased above R1, and values of R2 may exceed unity. Interpreted in this context, values of R substantially below unity, as observed in some experiments, would require very large values for the weak-decay constant fF and for the inclusive F-production cross section.