Dynamical Study of Brownian Motion

We study the motion of a Brownian particle in a fluid from a dynamical point of view, i.e., without the a priori introduction of purely stochastic elements. The Brownian particle is distinguished primarily by having a mass M which is much greater than the mass of the fluid particles m. Our method consists of rewriting the Liouville equation for μ, the joint distribution of fluid and Brownian particle, as a pair of coupled equations for the distribution function of the Brownian particle f and the conditional distribution of the fluid P=(μf). The equation for P is then solved formally in a perturbation series in the square root of the mass ratio (mM), which is then substituted in the equation for f to obtain a collision term δf representing the effect of the fluid on f. We consider two situations: (1) A constant external force acts on the Brownian particle and f is stationary, the external force being balanced by δf, and (2) a general time-dependent f. We find in both cases, as expected, that to lowest order δf has the form of a Fokker-Planck type collision term, though in the second case this only holds for times much larger than the fluid relaxation time after an initial time at which μ is arbitrary. The next order terms in δf differ for the two cases. Furthermore, because of the limitations on the times at which δf is valid in the second case, f(t) does not really obey a Markoffian equation to this order when the initial state is arbitrary. In the Appendixes we consider the formal structure of δf, the form of f in the stationary case, a "quasistochastic" model of Brownian motion, the motion of a composite Brownian particle, and the motion of a Brownian particle in a crystal. The latter makes contact with the work of Hemmer and Rubin.