Domestic and Foreign Conflict Behavior of Nations

This study is concerned with the relationship between the domestic and foreign conflict behavior of nations. Specifically, it is postulated that two key variables, type of nation and nature of conflict, determine the nature of this relationship. A population of 74 nations are divided into three groups, personalist, centrist, and polyarchic. A correlation analysis is then performed on these groups for all possible pairs of domestic conflict behavior dimensions - 'turmoil', 'revolutionary,' 'subversive' - and foreign conflict behavior dimensions - 'war,' 'diplomatic,' 'belligerency.' Stage 2 of the analysis, using raw data and covering a period from 1955 to 1960, facilitat s the investigation of time lags as a possible additional factor. The results of the study indicate that the postulated relationships do exist, with joe of nation constituting perhaps the key element in the nature of this relationship.

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