Applying Social Psychological Models to Predicting HIV-Related Sexual Risk Behaviors among African Americans

Existing models of attitude-behavior relationships, including the Health Belief Model4 the Theory of ReasonedAction, and the Se4f-Efficacy Theory, are increasingly being used by psychologists to predict human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related riskbehaviors. The authorsbrieflyhighlightsome of the dfficulties that might anse in applying these models to predicting the risk behaviors of African Americans. These social psychological models tend to emphasize the importance of individualistic, direct control of behavioral choices and deemphasizefactors, such as racism and poverty, particularly relevant to that segment of the Afncan American population most at riskfor HIV infection. Applications of these models without taking into account the unique issues associated with behavioral choices within the African American community may fail to capture the relevant determinants of risk behaviors.