The Effects of Alcohol on Counterconditioning of an Avoidance Response

This study was designed to investigate the effects of alcohol on the counterconditioning of an avoidance response, the light-dark color preference of rats, and the effects of different experiments on the performance of subjects. Forty female albino rats were given 20 training trials in a modified Miller-Mowrer box, after which they were given intraperitoneal injections of saline or alcohol in the dosage of 1 cc of a 10% solution of ethyl alcohol /100 g of body weight. After a 5-minute recuperation period, the SS were placed in the Miller-Mowrer box, only this time the shock (110 v, 3 to 5 ma) was transferred to the reinforcing side of the apparatus. Contrary to previous studies, there was no significant difference in the rate of counterconditioning between the placebo and alcohol groups, and the rats showed a color preference for the light area of the apparatus. The results further revealed a significant difference in the performance of SS handled by different E''s.

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