Efficient selection of genomic clones from a female chicken bacterial artificial chromosome library by four-dimensional polymerase chain reactions

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library consisting of 49,152 genomic clones was constructed from partially HindIII-digested female chicken embryo genomic DNA using the pBAC-Lac vector and maintained in 512 96-well plates. The mean insert size was approximately 150 kb, and the total library was estimated to contain about 3.2 times coverage of the diploid genome. In order to screen this library by the PCR, 296 BAC clone DNA samples were prepared: one sample each from 8 superpools (64 plates per superpool) and 36 samples of four-dimensionally (4-D) mixed clones from each superpool. A BAC clone of interest was selected by two-step PCR. First, 8 DNA samples representing superpools were subjected to PCR with a set of primers to amplify a part of the genomic sequence of interest. Second, 36 4-D DNA samples from the superpool that contained BAC clone(s) of interest were subjected to PCR with the same set of primers. The second step identified a plate and a well containing the BAC clone of interest. Selection of target BAC clone(s) from the whole library with the above procedure can be achieved within 1 to 4 d without using a radioactive probe. This procedure was applied successfully in the selection of BAC clones for Wpkci, chPKCI/HINT, ZOV3, and 17beta-HSD genes.