New Insights Into the Clinical Features, Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetics of Huntington Disease

Traditionally, a clinical diagnosis of Huntington disease (HD) presents no problems in patients with a positive family history, consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance, chorea or other extrapyramidal motor signs, and progressive mental decline. However, due to the slowly progressive nature of the disease and the slow evolution of signs and symptoms, it is often difficult to determine when at risk individuals are showing early signs. Moreover, the clinical recognition of both early and late-onset cases, and of choreic patients in whom a family history is lacking, presents special diagnostic challenges. In recent years, much progress has been made in the recognition of early clinical signs of the disease. Factors which have contributed to this understanding include the longitudinal study of large cohorts of at-risk individuals, particularly in Venezuela, the data from predictive testing programs, and the application of positron emission tomography (PET)-scanning to individuals without overt chorea. We are now able to identify persons at risk as being affected before they display overt and obvious involuntary movements.