A model for the MOIST seismic reflection profile, N Scotland

An interpretation of the Moine and Outer Isles Seismic Traverse reflection profile along the north coast of Scotland is developed here by the construction of a model crustal cross section from which, by ray tracing, a synthetic seismic section has been prepared for comparison with the observed record section. Faults are modelled by narrow low velocity zones and the Moho by narrow high and low velocity zones. The geometry of the faults shown in the model is believed to imply that during the Caledonian Orogeny, crustal thickening was achieved by imbrication of thrust flakes from the SE, in which the thrust front propagated northwestward into the foreland and at the same time cut down so that the basal decollement deepened relative to the Moho, eventually into the mantle. Concomitant erosion and uplift initiated extension and the development of sedimentary basins in half-grabens.