The present study has dealt with the localization by electron microscopy of the products of peroxidase reaction in neutrophil leukocytes in the subcapsular region of the livers of Triturus viridescens. Small pieces of liver tissue were fixed for 1 hour in buffered osmium tetroxide solution. After fixation they were divided into five groups: (a) Not treated with any reagent (control); (b) Treated for 4 minutes with the peroxidase reagent containing 0.3 per cent benzidine and 0.014 per cent (0.004 molar) hydrogen peroxide in 50 per cent alcohol; (c) Treated for 4 minutes with 0.3 per cent benzidine solution in 50 per cent alcohol alone (control); (d) Treated for 4 minutes with 0.014 per cent (0.004 molar) hydrogen peroxide in 50 per cent alcohol alone (control); (e) Treated for 5 minutes with pure methanol, washed in water, and treated for 4 minutes with the peroxidase reagent (inhibition test). Each group was then dehydrated and embedded in either methacrylate or epoxy resin. In electron micrographs, the reaction products of peroxidase activity were evidenced in the form of dense materials localized in the specific granules in the cytoplasm of the neutrophil leukocytes. Neither mitochondria nor any other particles showed increases in density. The specific granules showed no change of density in the control and inhibition tests. Paraffin-embedded tissues of the above mentioned five groups, when examined with the light microscope, revealed that the brown granules denoting a positive reaction appeared only in leukocytes of the tissue treated with the peroxidase reagent. Although much further work is necessary before definitive and constant results are to be expected, the possibility that the electron microscope may be applicable to peroxidase cytochemistry in leukocytes has been suggested by the present study.