It is shown that luminescence detection of multiphoton ionization-fragmentation of the molecular CrO42− anions adsorbed on the surface of dispersed SiO2 is possible under excitation with the fundamental frequency of a Nd:YAG pulsed laser (λ=1.064 μm). The structure and the process of formation of the adsorbed complexes under thermal activation of the surface and the nature of luminescence transitions in CrO42− anions are studied in detail. It is shown that luminescence is excited as a result of the recombination of photoelectrons and ionized chromate ions. Multiphoton ionization of the ions occurs under three-photon resonance conditions. The resonance level is an antibonding state of the adsorption complex formed with the participation of an oxygen vacancy on the SiO2 surface. The dynamics of the multiphoton luminescence excitation process includes autoionization (stimulated by intercomplex electronic excitation) in superexcited states, fragmentation of chromate anions, and annealing of surface oxygen vacancies. The rate equations for three-photon-resonance multiphoton ionization are studied. The cross sections for two-and one-photon transitions on the nonresonance steps of multiphoton absorption are obtained. It is concluded that the nonlinear polarizability of the donor-acceptor adsorption bond in “chromate anion-oxygen vacancy” complexes is very important.