Gallbladder wall thickening: patients without intrinsic gallbladder disease

Retrospective analysis of 22 patients with increased gallbladder wall thickness (4--10 mm) in the absence of gallbladder disease revealed that 19 were hypoalbuminemic (albumin less than 3.6 g/dl). To test the hypothesis that hypoalbuminemia was a causal factor, gallbladder wall thickness was measured in 40 patients selected prospectively solely on the basis of hypoalbuminemia. This group was compared to 25 normal volunteers. Hypoalbuminemic patients had significantly thickened gallbladder walls compared to volunteers (p less than 10(-9)). This thickening was associated not only with hypoalbuminemia, but also with increased main portal vein diameter, which reflects portal venous blood pressure. Gallbladder wall thickening unrelated to intrinsic gallbladder disease seems to be influenced by the same parameters as ascites formation--plasma colloid oncotic pressure and portal venous pressure.