Precision Measurement ofsin2θWfrom Semileptonic Neutrino Scattering

The ratio Rν of the neutral- to charged-current cross sections of neutrinos in iron has been measured in an exposure of the CERN-Dortmund-Heidelberg-Saclay neutrino detector to a 160-GeV/c neutrino narrow-band beam at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. The result is Rν=0.3072±0.0025(stat)±0.0020(syst), for hadronic energy greater than 10 GeV. The electroweak mixing parameter is sin2θW=0.225±0.005(expt)±0.003(theor)+0.013(mc1.5 GeVc2), where mc is the charm-quark mass.