Oxygen dependence of the linear term in the specific heat ofYBa2Cu3O7−δ

Specific-heat data in the range 0.4–20 K for a polycrystalline specimen of YBa2 Cu3 O7δ, prepared by the mixing of aqueous nitrate solutions, are reported as a function of oxygen content and compared with similar measurements made on specimens prepared by the powder ceramic route. On deoxygenation from δ=0 to 1, the linear specific-heat coefficient γ0 and Debye temperature FTHETAD0 decrease by 1.7±0.7 mJ/mol K2 and 80±20 K, respectively, with γ0 attaining its smallest value of 2.86 mJ/mol K2 in the YBa2 Cu3 O6 specimen prepared by the nitrate route. It appears that γ0 is largely extrinsic in origin, but a component of it is correlated to the oxygen content of the material. It is not possible to say whether this component is intrinsic to the superconducting state or is merely a property of the material, being due to some other source such as two-level systems.