Demonstration of collagenase activity in adult Strongyloides ratti (Nematoda: Strongyloididae) and its absence in the infective larvae

Larvae and adults of Strongyloides ratti were examined for collagenolytic activity on 14C proline-labelled, native, guinea-pig skin collagen substrate. The activity was measured by determining either the amount of hydroxyproline released or the amount of radioactivity in the solubilized fraction of the collagen substrate. Bacterial collagenase was used for enzyme control and trypsin served as substrate control. No collagenolytic activity was found in living larvae, their extracts or metabolites. The collagenolytic activity of the metabolites of adult worms appeared weak, whereas that of the extracts of the adults was pronounced. It is suggested that collagenase is active in the adult females at the time of migration in the intestinal mucosa during oviposition.