Samples representing the entire water column in Korsfjorden were taken approximately every other week over a three-year period. Analysis of the samples showed that the generations of Euchaeta norvegica occur biannually and that peaks of adults are in May-June and November-December. No defined generations of egg sacs were observed although biannual peaks of the copepodid stages can be seen from stage I. An overlap of generations occurs in the summer in Korsfjorden due to a more rapid development in the summer than winter, the population renewal time averaging 5½ to 6 months with a summer parent and 6½ to 7 months with a winter parent. Seasonal differences were also noted in clutch size, which is large (67 and 61 eggs for summer and winter sacs respectively) compared with counts from other areas, and in prosome length. Equations are given for the prosome lengths of the copepodid stages of E. norvegica in Korsfjorden when hydrographic conditions are static.