Effects of biliary cannulation and buthionine sulphoximine pretreatment on the nephrotoxicity of para-aminophenol in the Fischer 344 rat

The effects of a glutathione depletor, buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) and biliary cannulation on the nephrotoxicity ofp-aminophenol (PAP) have been investigated in the F344 rat. Preatment with BSO completely protected against the nephrotoxicity of a 50 mg/kg dose of PAP, assessed by clinical chemistry, renal histopathology, and1 H-NMR urinalysis. Biliary cannulation partially protects against nephrotoxicity induced by 100 mg/kg PAP. These data suggest that the nephrotoxicity of PAP may be due in part to the formation of a proximate toxic metabolite in the liver which is excreted in the bile, subsequently reabsorbed and transported via the systemic circulation to the kidney where the toxic effects occur.