Conformational transitions in oriented fibres of the synthetic polynucleotide poly[d(AT)]·poly[d(AT)] double helix

The synthetic polynucleotide poly[d(AT)].poly[d(AT)] is of interest in studies of the relationship between nucleic acid structure and function. In particular, A + T-rich regions in DNA double helices have been invoked as centres for controlling the transcription of genetic information. Here we describe conditions for observing by X-ray fibre diffraction the A, B, C and D conformations of Na-poly[d(AT)].poly[d(AT)], and for inducing transitions between these conformations. The D form emerges as a particularly stable conformation; once assumed, it persists over a wide range of variation in the relative humidity of the fibre environment. Further, while transitions between the B and D conformations are readily reversible, transitions between A and D are much more complex.