Copolymerization of 2-Hydroxy.(2,3-epoxypropoxy)benzophenone with Phthalanhydride Catalyzed by Tertiary Amine

The copolymerization of an epoxide, 2-hydroxy-4-(2,3-epoxy-propoxy)benzophenone, with cyclic anhydride catalyzed by tertiary amine in different solvents was studied. The copolymerization curves are sigmoidal in character with an induction period. In the region following the induction period, the loss in epoxide or anhydride may be correlated with the kinetic equation of the first order reaction provided the monomers are present in equimolar ratio or anhydride is in excess with respect to epoxide. The rate constant found experimentally after the induction period depends on the first power of the concentrations of amine, epoxide, and anhydride. The activation energy of copolymerization in o-xylene is 58.2 kJ/mole (13.9 kcal/mole) and log A = 3.6. The rate of copolymerization depends on polarity of the solvent and increases with dielectric constant. A reaction scheme has been proposed for the copolymerization of epoxides with cyclic anhydrides catalyzed by tertiary amines which involves the formation of a catalytic center of ionic character by isomerization of epoxide into a derivative of allyl alcohol and its subsequent interaction with tertiary amine and anhydride in equilibrium reactions, In this way, an active center of the carboxylic anion type is formed which reacts with epoxide to give alkoxide anion. This alkoxide anion reacts with anhydride to yield carboxylic anion. By interchange of these reactions, an alternating copolymer-polyester arises. The termination involves the decay of the active center into tertiary amine and carboxylic or hydroxylic endgroups. The kinetic solution of this scheme is in agreement with the experimental results of kinetic measurements and the rate of copolymerization is governed by the equation: -d[epoxide] /dt = kp [amine] 0 [epoxide]0 [anhydride]0 [epoxide].