1. Pyocin R has been shown to be degraded into contractile sheath and other smaller subunits by treatment with 0.1N NaOH. 2. Alkali treated pyocin R was separated into two peaks (Peaks I and II) by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Upon centrifugation contractile sheath formed the main peak (Peak I). Recovery of the sheath was more than 95%. 3. Disc electrophoresis of subunits of Peaks I and II showed that Peak I contained no significant contamination of Peak II and that Peak I contained the whole sheath. 4. Isolated sheath was homogeneous, electron microscopically, electrophoretically, immunochemically, and from the results of ultracentrifugation. 5. The particle weight of sheath was 7.2×106 daltons by the meniscus depletion method. 6. s° 20, w was 89 S. 7. Amino acid composition of sheath was analyzed.

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