A developmental-genetic study on panicle characters in rice, Oryza sativa L.

By comparing genetic correlations between an X-rayed and a control population of rice, parameters for the strength of pleiotropic effects of quantitative genes have been estimated. It is evident that the gene-set which is responsible for main rachis formation and is therefore of primary importance for panicle formation, is pleiotropically controlling the development of rachillas and basal internode. It is found that the pleiotropic control over the development of higher rachillas is very powerful but less strong over the lower ones and basal internode.Developmental relationships among these characters have also been investigated by measuring the genetic correlations between their developmental instabilities. The basis of our inference is the hypothesis that if two characters which are found to be pleiotropically controlled by the same set of genes take their own developmental paths from a very early stage, they will show only slight correlation between their developmental instabilities. If, on the contrary, they are taking the same developmental path and their differentiation sets in late, the correlation coefficient will be high.