Assignment of zebrafish genetic linkage groups to chromosomes

In this report the zebrafish genetic linkage groups are assigned to specific chromosomes using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with BAC probes containing genes mapped to each linkage group (LG). Chromosomes were identified using a combination of relative size and arm ratios. The largest genetic maps generally corresponded to the largest chromosomes, but genetic recombination tended to be elevated in the smaller chromosomes and near telomeres. Large insert clones containing genes near telomeres often hybridized to telomeres of multiple chromosome pairs, suggesting the presence of shared subtelomeric repetitive DNAs near telomeres. Evidence from comparative gene mapping in medaka, zebrafish, pufferfish, and humans suggests that the linkage groups of these species have the content of duplicate proto-chromosomes. However, these duplicate linkage groups are not associated with chromosomes of similar size or morphology. This suggests that considerable chromosome restructuring occurred subsequent to the genome duplication in teleosts.