Interactions of theNa2dimer with aC60molecule

The interactions of the Na2 dimer with a C60 molecule are examined by considering endohedral and exohedral complexes. Five different sites for the adsorbate are investigated: fivefold, threefold, long bond, short bond, and on top. Two orientations of the dimer with respect to the symmetry axes of the fullerene, parallel and perpendicular, were considered. The ground-state electronic configuration for both the endohedral C60 Na2 and the exohedral C60 Na2 complexes is found to be a triplet. The largest adsorption energy was found for the on-top (T) adsorption in the endohedral C60 Na2 complex. All the endohedral complexes were found to be stable against fragmentation into the three important dissociation channels, including the dissociation into a Na atom and a C60Na fragment. The relative stabilities of the different complexes were related to their structural parameters. For exohedral C60 Na2, the triplet electronic configuration destabilizes and the singlet state becomes dominant for adsorbate distances larger than 6 Å. The highest occupied molecular orbital–lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gap in both the endohedral and exohedral complexes was found to be approximately half of its value in the bare fullerene. Trends in the electronic energy levels of the two types of complexes are discussed in detail. © 1996 The American Physical Society.