Differential effects of benzyladenine and potassium on DNA, RNA, protein and chlorophyll contents and on expansion growth of detached cucumber cotyledons in the dark and light

Benzyladenine (BA) and KCl were applied to detached cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Ohio) cotyledons in continuous light or in the dark with subsequent light. BA brought about an increase in fresh weight and in DNA, RNA and carotenoid contents in both treatments. KCl did not cause an increase in fresh weight and cellular constituents in the dark, but it did result in an increased fresh weight and DNA content after illumination or in continuous light. BA + KCl treatment resulted in increased carotenoid and DNA contents in the dark, and in increases in fresh weight and all cellular constituents upon subsequent exposure to light. The effects of BA and BA + KCl on growth and chlorophyll synthesis decreased with cotyledon age.BA pretreatment in the dark eliminated the lag phase in chlorophyll synthesis and increased the rate of synthesis. Treatment in continuous light had little effect. KCl did not shorten the lag phase in chlorophyll synthesis, but it stimulated the rate of synthesis in the light. Dark pretreatment with BA + KCl markedly increased the effect of BA on chlorophyll synthesis. Chlorophyll content and fresh weight were higher in cotyledons treated with BA followed by KCl than in cotyledons treated in the reverse order. These results suggest that growth and greening in cucumber cotyledons are primarily controlled by BA and that KCl intensifies the BA effect after irradiation.