Gauge-invariant perturbations in anisotropic homogeneous cosmological models

Perturbations in spatially flat anisotropic homogeneous cosmological models with arbitrary dimension N are classified into three types I, II, and III and gauge-invariant quantities are defined in each type. Equations for them are derived for arbitrary anisotropic flat models. It is found that density perturbations are described by two second-order differential equations, as in the treatment of Perko, Matzner, and Shepley for the pressureless fluid. The solutions are obtained for approximate Kasner-type anisotropic models and their characteristic behaviors are shown for the fluids with nonzero pressure as well as the pressureless fluid. They are consistent with the counterparts of Perko, Matzner, and Shepley for the pressureless fluid. The instability problem in a Kaluza-Klein multidimensional universe also is discussed.

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