Spin-density magnetization near magnetic atoms in copper:CuMn

We report measurements of the conduction-electron spin magnetization density m(r) near the magnetic Mn atom in dilute alloys with Cu. m(r) produces an additional effective local field which shifts the NMR frequency of the nearby shells of host copper nuclei relative to Cu nuclei which are far from all impurities. The resonances of the nearby shells appears as weak satellites to the strong resonance from the distant Cu nuclei. We observe the resonance of eight such shells. In single crystals, the satellite of each shell splits into several lines whose positions and intensities depend on the orientation of the static field with respect to the crystal axes, and are characteristic of the shell. Using such splittings, we can identify the satellites produced by the second, third, and fourth shells. The first shell can be identified from the spectra taken on powdered samples. At shells near the magnetic atom, m(r) is sensitive to the details of the atomic structure of the Mn atom. From the single-crystal anisotropies we also obtain the anisotropic Knight shift and electric-field-gradient tensors.