The effect of ovine pineal compounds prepared under red or green light on the activity of male rat anterior pituitariesin vitro

A high molecular weight fraction XM100R (MW Å 100,000) was prepared by ultrafiltration from ovine pineals using two different extraction methods under red light conditions (λ>600 nm). This fraction stimulates the release of radioimmunologically active luteinizing hormone (LH) of anterior pituitariesin vitro. The ultrafiltration fraction PM30R (MW>30,000 and 10,000 and 1000 and 500 and 500), reacted with anti-LH. This may mean that under green light conditions the high molecular weight ovine pineal compounds in XM100R are disintegrated and/or split up into small molecules which can stimulate the release of LH, or crossreact with the anti-LH serum.

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