Search for Faint Companions to Nearby Solar-like Stars using the Adaptive Optics System at Mount Wilson Observatory

We present results of a search for faint companions to nearby (d < 25 pc) solar-like (F and G spectral type) stars using the natural guide star adaptive optics system on the Mount Wilson 100 inch (2.5 m) telescope during the period from 1996 June to 1999 August. The observing list, based on the third edition (1991) of the Catalogue of Nearby Stars by Gliese and Jahreiss, at present has 416 entries. To date, about 20% of the objects have been observed under varied seeing conditions. We have detected faint visible companions to five of the stars: HD 144287, μ Her A, HR 7123, 16 Cyg A, and HD 190067. The companions of three of these—μ Her A, HR 7123, and HD 190067—are new discoveries.